I ran into the error “pear.php.net is using a unsupported protocol – This should never happen.” when I tried to upgrade my pecl packages. I have to say errors like “this should never happen” shouldn’t happen, but since it obviously did what is the cause and more importantly the solution. Apparently this error is caused because PHP 5.2.9 and 5.2.10 were broken and it corrupted the .record folder. The solution to fix this is to upgrade pear first then pecl.
pear upgrade pecl upgrade
So simple :)
Thanks very much for the info: fixes exactly the problem I was having. Just left with “Unknown remote channel: guzzlephp.org/pear” now…
Absolutely did not solve the issue here. Neither did removing the channels and updating them.
Are you working with PHP 5.2? This post was from a long time ago.